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Leaching of Copper from MSWI Bottom Ash, Practical Measures for Improvement and Conditions for Utilization of the Ash as Civil Construction Material

  1. 1.
    0104794 - UCHP-M 20040048 RIV BG eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Svoboda, Karel - Pohořelý, Michael - Baxter, D. - Vošta, J.
    Leaching of Copper from MSWI Bottom Ash, Practical Measures for Improvement and Conditions for Utilization of the Ash as Civil Construction Material.
    [Vyluhování mědi z hrubého popelu ze spalování městského odpadu, využití popelu jako stavebního materiálu.]
    Proceedings. Vol. Section IV. Sofia, 2004 - (Batov, S.), s. 265-271
    [Energy Forum 2004. Varna (BG), 11.06.2004-13.06.2004]
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z4072921
    Keywords : bottom ash * measures * utilization
    Subject RIV: DJ - Water Pollution ; Quality

    By model experiments we have revealed that riddling of molten, partially decomposed and oxidized commnon plastic (PE, PET, PUR) through the grate in MSWI is a significant source of organics contibuting to higher rates of CU-leaching to water. Relatively simple measures as sufficiently long period of open air aging of the ash together with treatment with Al or Fe can significantly reduce the Cu-leaching and improve applicability of the ash.

    Jsou navrženy a testovány různé postupy ke snížení vyluhovatelnosti mědi z popelu ze spaloven městského odpadu.
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