Number of the records: 1  

Long-residency hydration, cation binding, and dynamics of loop E/helix IV rRNA-L25 protein complex

  1. 1.
    Réblová, K. - Špačková, Naďa - Koča, J. - Leontis, N. B. - Šponer, Jiří
    Long-residency hydration, cation binding, and dynamics of loop E/helix IV rRNA-L25 protein complex.
    Biophysical Journal. Roč. 87, č. 5 (2004), s. 3397-3412. ISSN 0006-3495. E-ISSN 1542-0086
    R&D Projects: GA MŠMT LN00A016
    Grant - others:Wellcome Trust(GB) GR067507MF; National Institutes of Health(US) 2R15 GM55898; National Institutes of Health(US) 3R15 GM55898
    Impact factor: 4.585, year: 2004
Number of the records: 1  

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