Longitudinal and vertical spatial gradients in the distribution of fish within a canyon-shaped reservoir
Document Type
J - Journal Article
R&D Document Type
Journal Article
Subsidiary J
Ostatní články
Longitudinal and vertical spatial gradients in the distribution of fish within a canyon-shaped reservoir
Podélné a vertikální prostorové gradienty v distribuci ryb uvnitř korytovité nádrže
Vašek, Mojmír (HBU-Z) Kubečka, J. (CZ) Peterka, Jiří (HBU-Z) Čech, Martin (HBU-Z) Draštík, Vladislav (HBU-Z) Hladík, Milan (HBU-Z) Prchalová, Marie (HBU-Z) Frouzová, Jaroslava (HBU-Z)
Source Title
International Review of Hydrobiology. - : Wiley
- ISSN 1434-2944
Roč. 89, č. 4 (2004), s. 352-362
Number of pages
11 s.
eng - English
DE - Germany
fish distribution ; spatial heterogeneity ; reservoirs
Subject RIV
DA - Hydrology ; Limnology
R&D Projects
IBS6017004 GA AV ČR - Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (AV ČR)
The spatial distribution of fish was studied in the canyon-shaped Římov Reservoir (CZ). Fish were sampled by Nordic survey gill nets at several offshore areas along the longitudinal reservoir axis. Surveys were done in summer 1999-2003. The total relative fish abundance and biomass (catch per unit effort) decreased considerably from the upstream end of the reservoir toward the dam. Roach (Rutilus rutilus), bleak (Alburnus alburnus) and bream (Abramis brama) comprised the bulk of catches at all areas. Enhanced dominance of bream was observed in the fish assemblage at the uppermost, more eutrophic area of the reservoir. The highest number of fish species and the highest abundance of 0+ fish were found in the tributary area. In the downstream part of the reservoir, gill net surveys along the vertical depth profiles indicated that offshore fish occupied mostly the epilimnion.
Institute of Hydrobiology (until 2005)
Václava Lavičková, lavickova@hbu.cas.cz, Tel.: 387 775 889
Year of Publishing
Number of the records: 1
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