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Influence of Zr on the microstructure of RS Al-18wt%Ni alloy

  1. 1.
    0104216 - FZU-D 20040558 RIV BE eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Bártová, B. - Gemperle, Antonín - Gemperlová, Juliana - Vojtěch, D.
    Influence of Zr on the microstructure of RS Al-18wt%Ni alloy.
    [Vliv Zr na mikrostrukturu rychle ztuhlých slitin Al-18wt%Ni.]
    EMC 2004. Antverpy: Belgian Society for Microscopy, 2004, s. 613-613.
    [European Microscopy Congress (EMC) 2004 /13./. Antverpy (BE), 22.08.2004-27.08.2004]
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1010914
    Keywords : rapid solidification * Al-Ni-Zr * microcrystalline alloys
    Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism

    AlNi17Zr1.8 was rapidly solidified (RS) by planar flow casting melt spinning on a rotating CrZr bronze wheel. The melt temperature was 2050°C, the wheet speed was 30 s- 1. For comparison AlNi18.5 alloy was also prepared

    Rychle ztuhlé slitiny Al-18wt%Ni připravené metodou rovinného lití na rotující CrZr kotouč. Teplota tání byla 2050°C, rychlost kotouče 30 s- 1. Pro porovnání byly též připraveny slitiny AlNi
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Number of the records: 1  

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