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Nowcasting, forecasting and warning for ionospheric propagation: tools and methods

  1. 1.
    0104041 - UFA-U 20040030 RIV IT eng J - Journal Article
    Stamper, R. - Belehaki, A. - Burešová, Dalia - Cander, Lj. R. - Kutiev, I. - Pietrella, M. - Stanislawska, I. - Stankov, S. - Tsagouri, I. - Tulunay, J. K. - Zolesi, B.
    Nowcasting, forecasting and warning for ionospheric propagation: tools and methods.
    [Metody a prostředky předpovídání aktuálního stavu ionosféry.]
    Annals of Geophysics. Roč. 47, 2/3 (2004), s. 957-981. ISSN 1593-5213. E-ISSN 2037-416X.
    [Final Meeting COST271 Action. Effects of the upper atmosphere on terrestrial and Earth-space communications (EACOS). Abingdon, 26.08.2004-27.08.2004]
    R&D Projects: GA MŠMT OC 271.10
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z3042911
    Keywords : ionospheric measurements * nowcasting * forecasting
    Subject RIV: DG - Athmosphere Sciences, Meteorology
    Impact factor: 0.413, year: 2004

    The paper reviews the work done in the course of the COST 271 action concerned with the development of tools and methods for forecasting, nowcasting and warning of ionospheric propagation conditions. Three broad categories of work are covered. First, the maintenance and enhancement of existing operational services that provide forecast or nowcast data products to end users; brief descriptions of RWC Warsaw and the STIF service are given. Second, the development of prototype or experimental services; descriptions are given of a multi-datasource system for reconstruction of electron density profiles, and a new technique using real-time IMF data to forecast ionospheric storms. The third category is the most wide-ranging, and deals with work that has presented new or improved tools or methods that future operational forecasting or nowcasting system will rely on.

    V článku se pojednává o moderních předpovědních metodách a modelech určených k hodnocení aktuálního a očekávaného stavu ionosféry
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