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Segregation pattern and biochemical effect of the G3460A mtDNA mutation in 27 members of LHON family

  1. 1.
    0103109 - FGU-C 20040089 RIV NL eng J - Journal Article
    Kaplanová, Vilma - Zeman, J. - Hansíková, H. - Černá, L. - Houšťková, H. - Mišovicová, N. - Houštěk, Josef
    Segregation pattern and biochemical effect of the G3460A mtDNA mutation in 27 members of LHON family.
    [Segregační profil a biochemický efekt mtDNA mutace G3460A u 27členné rodiny s LHON syndromem.]
    Journal of the Neurological Sciences. Roč. 223, č. 2 (2004), s. 149-155. ISSN 0022-510X. E-ISSN 1878-5883
    R&D Projects: GA MZd NR7790
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z5011922; CEZ:MSM 111100003
    Keywords : LHON * G3460A mutation
    Subject RIV: FB - Endocrinology, Diabetology, Metabolism, Nutrition
    Impact factor: 2.366, year: 2004

    Segregation pattern and Complex I activities were investigated for G3460A mtDNA mutation in large three-generation family with LHON syndrome. C I activity was decreased to 56% but no correlation to mutation load was found. Segregation pattern exhibited tissue specificity and significant influence of different nuclear backgrounds

    Segragační profil a aktivity komplexu I byly zkoumány u mtDNA mutace G3460A v početné třígenerační rodině s LHON syndromem. Aktivita komplexu I byla snížena na 56%, ale nebyla nalezena spojitost s heteroplazmií. Segregační profil vykazuje tkáňovou specifitu a signifikantní vliv jaderného pozadí
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