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Conflicts between human activities and the conservation of biodiversity in agricultural landscapes, grasslands, forest, wetlands and uplands in the Acceding and Candidate Countries (ACC). A Report of the BIOFORUM project

  1. 1.
    0102771 - UEK-B 20043076 RIV GB eng M - Monography Chapter
    Uzunov, Y. - Vadineanu, A. - Adamescu, M. - Beltram, G. - David, S. - Květ, Jan - Ott, I. - Piorkowki, H. - Sedlaková, J. - Ulevicius, A. - Young, J.
    Inland aquatic habitats.
    [Vnitrozemské vodní biotopy.]
    Conflicts between human activities and the conservation of biodiversity in agricultural landscapes, grasslands, forest, wetlands and uplands in the Acceding and Candidate Countries (ACC). A Report of the BIOFORUM project. Banchory, Scotland, UK: Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Natural Environment Research Council, 2004 - (Young, Y.; Halada, L.; Kull, T.; Kuzniar, A.; Tartes, U.; Uzunov, Y.; Watt, A.), s. 57-74
    Grant - others:XE(XE) EVK2-CT-1999-2006
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z6087904
    Keywords : Wetlands . Inland waters * Sustainable management
    Subject RIV: EH - Ecology, Behaviour

    Examples of conflicts between the use of aquatic and wetland resources and biodiversity conservation in accession countries to the EU. Possibilities of resolving these conflicts

    Konflikt mezi lidskými činnostmi a ochranou biodiverzity v zemědělských krajinách, travinných ekosystémech, lesích, mokřadech a horských územích v přistupujícíhc a kandidátských zemích (ACC), Zpráva z projektu Bioforum
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