Number of the records: 1
Ocenka stoimosti l´got, predostavljajemych nekotorym kategorijam graždan Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki
- 1.0102604 - NHU-N 20043059 RIV SIGLE PL rus V - Research Report
Mogilevskij, R. - Cukrowski, Jacek
Ocenka stoimosti l´got, predostavljajemych nekotorym kategorijam graždan Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki.
[Estimation of the cost of tax exemptions provided to different classes of population in the Kyrgyz Republic.]
Warszawa: Centrum Analiz Spoleczno Ekonomicznych (CASE), 1998. 47 s. Studia i Analizy, 138.
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z7085904
Keywords : tax exemption * different classes of population * Kyrgyz Republic
Subject RIV: AH - Economics
Soděržanije: vvedenije, metodika rasčetov, ocenka veličiny poter bjudžeta v 1998 godu, vyvody, tablicy.
The chapters: introduction, calculation methods, losses assets in 1998 budget estimation, conclusion, tables.
Obsah: úvod, metodika výpočtů, odhad hodnoty rozpočtového schodku v r. 1998, závěry, tabulky.
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Number of the records: 1