Number of the records: 1  

Transplants of cells engineered to produce GABA suppress spontaneous seizures

  1. 1.
    TitleTransplants of cells engineered to produce GABA suppress spontaneous seizures
    TitleTransplantáty buněk se schopností produkovat GABA potlačují spontánní záchvaty
    Author(s) Thompson, K. W. (US)
    Suchomelová, Lucie (FGU-C)
    Source Title Epilepsia. Roč. 45, č. 1 (2004), s. 4-12. - : Wiley
    Document TypeČlánek v odborném periodiku
    GrantMREP, US - United States
    CEZAV0Z5011922 - FGU-C
    Keywords cell transplantation * epilepsy * seizures
    Permanent Link

Number of the records: 1  

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