Number of the records: 1
Transplants of cells engineered to produce GABA suppress spontaneous seizures
- 1.0102582 - FGU-C 20040019 RIV US eng J - Journal Article
Thompson, K. W. - Suchomelová, Lucie
Transplants of cells engineered to produce GABA suppress spontaneous seizures.
[Transplantáty buněk se schopností produkovat GABA potlačují spontánní záchvaty.]
Epilepsia. Roč. 45, č. 1 (2004), s. 4-12. ISSN 0013-9580. E-ISSN 1528-1167
Grant - others:VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System Research Service(US) MREP
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z5011922
Keywords : cell transplantation * epilepsy * seizures
Subject RIV: FH - Neurology
Impact factor: 3.329, year: 2004
The purpose of this study was to establish that cells genetically engineered to produce GABA could suppress spontaneous seizures in an accepted model of temporal lobe epilepsy. It was found that these cells have the ability to suppress above mentioned seizures when transplanted into seizure-modulating nuclei
Cílem práce bylo určit na modelu temporální epilepsie, zda buňky vybavené pro produkci GABA, mohou potlačit spontánní záchvaty. Zjistili jsme, že při transplantaci těchto buněk do jader modulujících záchvaty, jsou záchvaty potlačeny
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Number of the records: 1