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Balkan biodiversity: pattern and process in the European hotspot

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    SYSNO ASEP0102397
    Document TypeM - Monograph Chapter
    R&D Document TypeMonograph Chapter
    TitleKaryotypic variation in mammals of the Balkan Peninsula
    TitleProměnlivost karyotypů savců na Balkánském poloostrově
    Author(s) Zima, Jan (UBO-W) RID, SAI
    Source TitleBalkan biodiversity: pattern and process in the European hotspot. - Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic, 2004 / Griffiths H. I. ; Kryštufek B. ; Reed J. M. - ISBN 1-4020-2853-9
    Pagess. 109-133
    Number of pages25 s.
    Languageeng - English
    CountryNL - Netherlands
    Keywordskaryotypes ; Balkan Peninsula ; Mammalia
    Subject RIVEB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology
    R&D ProjectsGA206/01/0562 GA ČR - Czech Science Foundation (CSF)
    CEZAV0Z6093917 - UBO-W
    AnnotationThis paper investigates chromosomal variation in a well-known animal group - the mammals. Chromosome research in this animal group has had a long-term tradition in the Balkan Peninsula, and has contributed significantly to our understanding of its regional biodiversity. Most studies have examined chromosomes of small mammal species, within the orders of insectivores, chiropterans, rodents and carnivores, whose size does not usually exceed that of the hedgehog or common hamster. This contribution attempts to summarise our current knowledge of the karyotypes of Balkan mammals, and to show the importance of chromosomal data in systematic and phylogeographic research.
    WorkplaceInstitute of Vertebrate Biology
    ContactHana Slabáková,, Tel.: 543 422 524
    Year of Publishing2005
Number of the records: 1  

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