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Transport properties of single crystals of ternary tellurides applicable as phase-change memory materials

  1. 1.
    0101928 - SLCHPL-S 20043023 RIV SIGLE DE eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Frumar, M. - Frumarová, Božena - Wágner, T. - Tichý, Ladislav
    Transport properties of single crystals of ternary tellurides applicable as phase-change memory materials.
    [Transpotní vlastnosti monokrystalů ternárních teluridů vhodných pro aplikaci jako paměti s fázovou změnou.]
    Innovative Mass Storage Technologies. Dorint Quellehhof, Aachen: Physikalisches Institut, 2004, s. H24.
    [International Workshop on Innovaative Mass Storaga Technologies. Aachen (DE), 28.09.2004-29.09.2004]
    R&D Projects: GA AV ČR KSK2050602
    Keywords : ternary tellurides * single crystals * transport properties
    Subject RIV: CA - Inorganic Chemistry

    Single crystals of GeSb2Te4, GeSb4Te7 and Germanium doped Sb2Te3(Sb2Te3,Ge) were prepared by modified Brigman method and by chemical transport reactions. The optecal and transport properties of GeTe,GeSb2Te4, GeSb4Te7, and Sb2Te3,Ge were studied and compared

    Monokrystaly GeSb2Te4, GeSb4Te7 a germániem dotované monokrystaly Sb2Te3(Sb2Te3,Ge) byly připraveny Bridgmanovou metodou a chemickými transportními reakcemi. Optické a transportní vlastnosti GeTe, GeSb2Te4, GeSb4Te7 a Sb2Te3, Ge byly studovány a porovnány
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