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Radiation-induced change of polyimide properties under high-fluence and high ion current density implantation

  1. 1.
    0101837 - UJF-V 20043004 RIV US eng J - Journal Article
    Popok, V. N. - Azarko, I. I. - Khaibullin, R. I. - Stěpanov, A. L. - Hnatowicz, Vladimír - Macková, Anna - Prasalovich, S. V.
    Radiation-induced change of polyimide properties under high-fluence and high ion current density implantation.
    [Změny vlastností polyimidu, vyvolané zářením s vysokým tokem a proudovou hustotou implantace.]
    Applied Physics A - Materials Science & Processing. Roč. 78, č. 7 (2004), s. 1067-1072. ISSN 0947-8396. E-ISSN 1432-0630
    R&D Projects: GA MŠMT OC 527.100
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
    Keywords : electrical-conductivity * irradiated polyimide * wave-guides
    Subject RIV: BG - Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Colliders
    Impact factor: 1.452, year: 2004

    Polyimide (PI) films were implanted with 40-keV Ar+ and 80-keV Ar2+ ions in a fluence range of 5.0x10(14)-1.5x10(17) cm(-2) at ion-current densities of 1-16 muA/cm(2). It is shown that the conductivity of the samples rises with the ion-current density at a fixed fluence. Electrophysical parameters of the polyimide change stepwise with the implantation fluence when it exceeds a certain value. The change of electrical parameters of the implanted PI correlates with that of the optical and paramagnetic characteristics. The phenomenon of complete volatilisation of argon implanted with an energy of 40 keV due to surface heating and disordering under the high-power beam is found. It is shown that the change of ion charge and energy at constant beam-power density causes only a quantitative change in the polymer characteristics. A model of PI alteration and carbonised phase formation, taking into account the action of the high-power ion beam and the peculiarities of PI chemical structure, is developed to explain the observed effects. Implantation at high ion-current density can be suggested as an efficient practical means to control polymer conductivity and other parameters.

    Polyimidový film byl implantován ionty 40-keV Ar+ a 80-keV Ar2+. Vodivost vzorků vzrůstá s hustotou iontového proudu. K vysvětlení pozorovaných efektů byl navržen model tvoření karbonizované fáze.
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