Number of the records: 1
Measurement of high x-rays doses from PF1000 plasma focus using Si p-i-n detectors
- 1.Ryc, L. - Borowiecki, M. - Ivanova-Stanik, I. - Kaczmarczyk, J. - Paduch, M. - Scholz, M. - Tomaszewski, K. - Krása, Josef - Kravárik, J. - Kubeš, P.
Measurement of high x-rays doses from PF1000 plasma focus using Si p-i-n detectors.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. Roč. 54, Suppl. C (2004), s. C326-C333. ISSN 0011-4626.
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology /21./. Praha, 14.06.2004-17.06.2004]
R&D Projects: GA AV ČR KSK2043105
Impact factor: 0.292, year: 2004
Number of the records: 1