Number of the records: 1
Gender in Czech Anarchist Movement
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SYSNO ASEP 0101652 Document Type B - Monograph R&D Document Type Monograph Title Gender in Czech Anarchist Movement Title Gender v českém anarchistickém hnutí Author(s) Kolářová, Marta (SOU-Z) ORCID, RID, SAI Issue data Praha: Subverze, 2004 ISBN 80-903356-1-6 Number of pages 26 s. Language eng - English Country CZ - Czech Republic Keywords gender ; social movement ; anarchism Subject RIV AO - Sociology, Demography CEZ AV0Z7028912 - SOU-Z Annotation Case study about the Czech anarchist movement from a gender perspective. The focus is on representation of men and women in the movement and in the movement´s media. The position of men and women and gender division of labour in the movement are analysed. A disharmony between movement´s egalitarian aims and their real fulfilment is discussed. The discussions about feminism and anarchism or anti-fascism in the movement are analysed Workplace Institute of Sociology Contact Eva Nechvátalová,, Tel.: 222 220 924 / linka 351 Year of Publishing 2005
Number of the records: 1