Number of the records: 1
Switching in molecular systems
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SYSNO ASEP 0101335 Document Type C - Proceedings Paper (int. conf.) R&D Document Type Conference Paper Title Switching in molecular systems Title Přepínání v molekulárních systémech Author(s) Nešpůrek, Stanislav (UMCH-V) RID
Wang, Geng (UMCH-V)
Sworakowski, J. (PL)Source Title Proceedings. - Lanškroun : IMAPS, Brno University of Technology, 2004 / Šikula J. - ISBN 80-239-2835-X Pages s. 215-220 Number of pages 6 s. Action European Microelectronics and Packaging Symposium /3./ Event date 16.06.2004-18.06.2004 VEvent location Prague Country CZ - Czech Republic Event type WRD Language eng - English Country CZ - Czech Republic Keywords poly[3,4-(ethylenedioxy)thiophene] ; electrical conductivity ; charge carrier transport Subject RIV BG - Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Colliders R&D Projects OC D14.30 GA MŠMT - Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) CEZ AV0Z4050913 - UMCH-V Annotation A general approach to electrical and optical switching based on molecular materials is put forward, namely, switching based on photochromism, redox reactions, photoconductivity and charge carrier trapping. The physical and chemical background on a novel type of a switch, based on charge-dipole interactions, is discussed in details. Workplace Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry Contact Eva Čechová, ; Tel.: 296 809 358 Year of Publishing 2005
Number of the records: 1