Number of the records: 1  

DC Ferromagnetic Actuator for Extremely High Forces

  1. 1.
    SYSNO ASEP0100972
    Document TypeC - Proceedings Paper (int. conf.)
    R&D Document TypeConference Paper
    TitleDC Ferromagnetic Actuator for Extremely High Forces
    TitleStejnosměrný elektromagnet pro extrémní síly
    Author(s) Doležel, Ivo (UE-C)
    Mach, M. (CZ)
    Ulrych, B. (CZ)
    Source TitleICEM 2004, 2. - Lodz : Technical University of Lodz, 2004 / Wiak S. ; Dems M. ; Komeza K. - ISBN 83-921428-3-7
    Pagess. 417-422
    Number of pages6 s.
    ActionInternational Conference on Electrical Machines - ICEM 2004 /16./
    Event date05.09.2004-08.09.2004
    VEvent locationCracow
    CountryPL - Poland
    Event typeWRD
    Languageeng - English
    CountryPL - Poland
    KeywordsDC actuator ; electromagnetic field ; temperature field
    Subject RIVJA - Electronics ; Optoelectronics, Electrical Engineering
    R&D ProjectsGA102/04/0095 GA ČR - Czech Science Foundation (CSF)
    AnnotationThe paper deals with numerical analysis of force effects and temperature rise in cylindrical DC actuator (whose arrangement is depiced in Fig. 1) intended for oparation in numerically controlled machines
    WorkplaceInstitute of Electrical Engineering (until 2005)
    Year of Publishing2005
Number of the records: 1  

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