Number of the records: 1  

Dosimetry of aircraft crew exposure to ionising radiation

  1. 1.
    Lindborg, L. - Bartlett, D. T. - Beck, P. - Bottollier, J. Fr. - d'Errico, Fr. - Heinrich, W. - O'Sullivan, D. - Pelliccioni, M. - Roos, H. - Schraube, H. - Silari, M. - Tommasino, L. - Spurný, František - Wissmann, F.
    Dosimetry of aircraft crew exposure to ionising radiation.
    Neutron Spectrometry and Dosimetry: Experimental Techniques and Calculations. Workshop. Torino: OTTO editore, 2004, s. 147-153. ISBN 88-87503-78-8.
    [Neutron Spectrometry and Dosimetry: Experimental Techniques and MC Calculations. Workshop. Sweden (SE), 18.10.2001-20.10.2001]
    Grant - others:EC project(XE) FIGM-CT2000-00068
Number of the records: 1  

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