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A new tool for in situ measurements of the vertical distribution of magnetic susceptibility in soils as basis for mapping deposited dust

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    SYSNO ASEP0100749
    Document TypeJ - Journal Article
    R&D Document TypeJournal Article
    Subsidiary JOstatní články
    TitleA new tool for in situ measurements of the vertical distribution of magnetic susceptibility in soils as basis for mapping deposited dust
    TitleNový nástroj pro in-situ měření vertikálního rozložení magnetické susceptibility v půdách jako základ pro mapování depozice pevného spadu
    Author(s) Petrovský, Eduard (GFU-E) ORCID, RID
    Hůlka, Z. (CZ)
    Kapička, Aleš (GFU-E) ORCID, RID
    Source TitleEnvironmental Technology. - : Taylor & Francis - ISSN 0959-3330
    Roč. 25, č. 9 (2004), s. 1021-1029
    Number of pages9 s.
    Languageeng - English
    CountryGB - United Kingdom
    Keywordsenvironmental magnetism ; soil contamination ; anthropogenic magnetite
    Subject RIVDE - Earth Magnetism, Geodesy, Geography
    R&D ProjectsKSK3046108 GA AV ČR - Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (AV ČR)
    AnnotationIn situ measurements of magnetic susceptibility of topsoils are commonly used for mapping the spatial distribution of atmospherically deposited ferrimagnetic particles. However, the surface measurements integrate signal from certain soil volume and it is not evident how deep is the magnetically enhanced layer, if there is such. This information is often required for detailed sampling
    WorkplaceGeophysical Institute
    ContactHana Krejzlíková,, Tel.: 267 103 028
    Year of Publishing2005
Number of the records: 1  

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