Number of the records: 1
Thomson scattering measurements of heat flow in a laser-produced plasma
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SYSNO 0100723 Title Thomson scattering measurements of heat flow in a laser-produced plasma Title Měření tepelných toků v laserově buzeném plazmatu pomocí Thomsonova rozptylu Author(s) Hawreliak, J. (GB)
Chambers, D. M. (US)
Glenzer, S. H. (US)
Gouveka, A. (GB)
Kingham, R. J. (GB)
Marjoribanks, R. S. (CA)
Pinto, P. A. (US)
Renner, Oldřich (FZU-D) RID, ORCID
Soundhauss, P. (GB)
Topping, S. (GB)
Wolfrum, E. (GB)
Young, P. E. (US)
Wark, J. S. (GB)Source Title Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics. Roč. 37, - (2004), s. 1541-1551. - : Institute of Physics Publishing Document Type Článek v odborném periodiku Grant LN00A100 GA MŠMT - Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) CEZ AV0Z1010921 - FZU-D Language eng Country GB Keywords laser-produced plasma * Thomson scattering * Fokker-Planck simulations * electron distribution function Permanent Link
Number of the records: 1