Number of the records: 1  

Phase segregation in the Pr.sub.0.8 - y./sub.La.sub.y./sub.Na.sub.0.2./sub.MnO.sub.3./sub. manganites (y<0.15)

  1. 1.
    0100698 - FZU-D 20040421 RIV NL eng J - Journal Article
    Dlouhá, M. - Hejtmánek, Jiří - Jirák, Zdeněk - Maryško, Miroslav - Vratislav, S.
    Phase segregation in the Pr0.8 - yLayNa0.2MnO3 manganites (y<0.15).
    [Fázová segregace v manganitech Pr0.8 - yLayNa0.2MnO3 (y<0.15).]
    Physica B-Condensed Matter. Roč. 350, - (2004), s. e5-e8. ISSN 0921-4526. E-ISSN 1873-2135
    R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA1010202; GA ČR GA202/03/0891
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1010914
    Keywords : perovskite manganites * phase segregation * neutron difftaction * magnetic transport * electric transport
    Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism
    Impact factor: 0.679, year: 2004

    Neutron diffraction, magnetic and electric transport measurements show that lanthanum substitution induces a non-uniform magnetic state with a coexistence of ferromagnetic and pseudo-CE type antiferromagnetic domains

    Neutronografická, magnetická a transportní měření naznačují, že substituce lanthanem vede k nehomogennímu magnetickému základnímu stavu, ve kterém koexistují ferromagnetické a pseudo CE- antiferromagnetické domény
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Number of the records: 1  

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