Number of the records: 1
NMR of .sup.57./sup.Fe below and around the Verwey transition in Al-substituted magnetite
- 1.0100685 - FZU-D 20040408 RIV NL eng J - Journal Article
Kohout, A. - Gamaliy, E. - Štěpánková, H. - Englich, J. - Novák, Pavel - Brabers, V. A. M.
NMR of 57Fe below and around the Verwey transition in Al-substituted magnetite.
[JMR 57Fe pod a kolem Verweyova přechodu v magnetitu substituovaném hliníkem.]
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 272-276, - (2004), E1687-E1688. ISSN 0304-8853. E-ISSN 1873-4766
R&D Projects: GA ČR GP202/02/P092
Grant - others:GA UK(CZ) 187/2003/B
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1010914
Keywords : magnetite * NMR * spin echo * hyperfine interaction
Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism
Impact factor: 1.031, year: 2004
Temperature depndence of 57Fe NMR spectra was measured below and around the Verwey transition in Fe3 - xAlxO4 (x=0, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03) single crystals
Teplotní závislost JMR na jádrech 57Fe byla měřena pod a kolem Verweyova přechodu v monokrystalech Fe3 - xAlxO4 (x=0, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03)
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Number of the records: 1