Number of the records: 1
Beta-N-Acetylhexosaminidase-catalysed synthesis of non-reducing oligosaccharides
- 1.Rauvolfová, Jana - Kuzma, Marek - Weignerová, Lenka - Fialová, Pavla - Přikrylová, Věra - Pišvejcová, Andrea - Macková, M. - Křen, Vladimír
Beta-N-Acetylhexosaminidase-catalysed synthesis of non-reducing oligosaccharides.
Journal of Molecular Catalysis B-Enzymatic. Roč. 29, - (2004), s. 233-239. ISSN 1381-1177. E-ISSN 1873-3158
R&D Projects: GA ČR GA203/01/1018; GA ČR GP204/02/P096; GA MŠMT OC D25.002
Impact factor: 1.547, year: 2004
Number of the records: 1