Number of the records: 1
Silicon microstrip detectors for the ATLAS SCT
- 1.0100345 - FZU-D 20040280 RIV NL eng J - Journal Article
Robinson, D. - Allport, P. - Andricek, L. - Böhm, Jan - Buttar, C. - Carter, J. R. - Chilingarov, A. - Clark, A. G. - Feriere, D. - Fuster, J.
Silicon microstrip detectors for the ATLAS SCT.
[Křemíkové mikrostripové detektory pro ATLAS SCT.]
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A. Roč. 485, 1-2 (2002), s. 84-88. ISSN 0168-9002. E-ISSN 1872-9576
R&D Projects: GA MPO RP-4210/69
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1010920
Keywords : ATLAS SCT * silicon microstrip detectors * irradiation * quality control
Subject RIV: BF - Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Impact factor: 1.167, year: 2002
The sensor design features are reviewed, together eith their electrical characteristics and the Quality Control procedures adopted by ATLAS during production
Je dán přehled projektových vlastností senzorů. Spolu s jejich elektrickými charakteristikami a postupy pro kontrolu kvality, které přijal ATLAS během výroby
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Number of the records: 1