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Weltliches Leben und Geist

  1. 1.
    0100282 - FLU-F 20040057 RIV RO ger C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Novotný, Karel
    Weltliches Leben und Geist.
    [Wordly life and spirit.]
    Person, Community, and Identity. ClujNapoca: University ClujNapoca, House of the Book of Science, 2003 - (Copoeru, I.; Diaconu, M.; Popa, D.), s. 126-140. ISBN 973-686-425-1.
    [Person, Community, and Identity. Cluj-Napoca (AT), 24.03.2002-28.03.2002]
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z9009908
    Keywords : Person * community * identity
    Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy ; Religion

    Sammelband mit den Beiträgen der Ersten Mittel- und Osteuropäischen phänomenologischen Konferenz, die den Themen Person, Gemeinschaft und Identität gewidmet wurde.

    The studies included in this volume are basically the papers presented on the occasion of the first Central and Eastern Europaen Conference of Phenomenology. The topic of the conference was "Person, Community, and Identity".

    Sborník příspěvků z konference středoevropských a východoevropských fenomenologů na téma Osoba, společenství a identita.
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Number of the records: 1  

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