Number of the records: 1
Utilization of speckle techniques at measurements of biomechanical characteristics of cadaverous human lumbar spine samples after application of various surgical fixation methods
- 1.0100106 - FZU-D 20040086 RIV US eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Bartoněk, L. - Keprt, Jiří - Charamza, J. - Hrabálek, L.
Utilization of speckle techniques at measurements of biomechanical characteristics of cadaverous human lumbar spine samples after application of various surgical fixation methods.
[Užití techniky speckle interference při měření biomechanických charakteristik vzorků lidské lumbální páteře po aplikaci různých chirurgických fixačních metod.]
Novel Optical Instrumentation for Biomedical Applications. Washington: SPIE The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2003 - (Boccara, A.), s. 262-269. Proceedings of SPIE. OSA Biomedical Optics. 5143. ISBN 0-8194-5013-8. ISSN 1605-7422.
[Novel Optical Instrumentation for Biomedical Applications. Munich (DE), 24.06.2003-25.06.2003]
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1010921
Keywords : lumbar spine * strain gauges * speckle interferometry * fast Fourier transformation
Subject RIV: BH - Optics, Masers, Lasers
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Number of the records: 1