Number of the records: 1  

Uranium form factors in selected UTX compounds

  1. 1.
    SYSNO ASEP0100057
    Document TypeJ - Journal Article
    R&D Document TypeJournal Article
    Subsidiary JOstatní články
    TitleUranium form factors in selected UTX compounds
    TitleForm faktor uranu ve vybraných UTX sloučeninách
    Author(s) Javorský, P. (CZ)
    Schweizer, J. (FR)
    Givord, F. (FR)
    Boucherle, J.-X. (FR)
    Sechovský, V. (CZ)
    Andreev, Alexander V. (FZU-D) RID, ORCID
    Leliévre-Berna, E. (FR)
    Burdarot, F. (FR)
    Source TitleActa physica Polonica. B. - : Jagellonian University - ISSN 0587-4254
    Roč. 34, č. 2 (2004), s. 1425-1428
    Number of pages4 s.
    ActionInternational Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES 02)
    Event date10.07.2002-13.07.2002
    VEvent locationCracow
    CountryPL - Poland
    Event typeEUR
    Languageeng - English
    CountryPL - Poland
    Keywordsactinide intermetallics ; neutron diffraction
    Subject RIVBM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism
    CEZAV0Z1010914 - FZU-D
    AnnotationResults of polarized neutron diffraction experiments are presented for the UCoAl, UPtAl, UNiGa and UNiAl intermetallic compounds, all crystallizing in the hexagonal ZrNiAl-type structure. The .mu.L/.mu.S ratio determined from our data is reduced compared to the U3 + free-ion value for all the studied compounds, indicating delocalization of the 5f-electron states
    WorkplaceInstitute of Physics
    ContactKristina Potocká,, Tel.: 220 318 579
    Year of Publishing2005
Number of the records: 1  

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