Number of the records: 1  

New genera in the Calosphaeriales: Togniniella and its anamorph Phaeocrella, and Calosphaeriophora as anamorph of Calosphaeria

  1. 1.
    0024661 - BÚ 2006 RIV NL eng J - Journal Article
    Réblová, Martina - Mostert, L. - Gams, W. - Crous, P. W.
    New genera in the Calosphaeriales: Togniniella and its anamorph Phaeocrella, and Calosphaeriophora as anamorph of Calosphaeria.
    [Nové rody v řádu Calosphaeriales. Togniniella a její anamorfa.]
    Studies in Mycology. Roč. 50, - (2004), s. 533-550. ISSN 0166-0616. E-ISSN 1872-9797
    R&D Projects: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAB6005106; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK6005114
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z6005908
    Keywords : Calosphaeriales * phylogeny * systematics
    Subject RIV: EF - Botanics
    Impact factor: 0.682, year: 2004

    During a survey of perithecial ascomycetes in New Zealand, two collections of a Togninia-like fungus were made on decayed wood. In culture, colonies produced a Phaeoacremonium-like anamorph. Nuclear LSU and SSU ribosomal DNA sequences of these fungi and other related fungi, morphological and cultural characteristics, confirm that the New Zealand fungus represents a new genus very close to Calosphaeria. The new genus Togniniella is proposed, while Phaeocrella is established for its anamorphs. Furthermore, Calosphaeria pulchella was found to form a distinct Acremonium-like anamorph in culture, for which the genus Calosphaeriophora is proposed. Two families are described; the Pleurostomataceae for Pleurostoma with Pleurostomophora anamorphs, the Togniniaceae for Togninia with Phaeoacremonium anamorphs.

    Během výzkumu peritheciálních askomycetů na Novém Zélandu byly na tlejícím dřevě nalezeny dva sběry houby připomínající r. Togninia. V kultuře houba produkovala kolonie typu Phaeoacremonium. Sekvence 28S a 18S rDNA, morfologické znaky a kultivační charakteristiky potvrdily, že tato houba reprezentuje nový rod blízce příbuzný r. Calosphaeria. Tento nový rod Togniniella je zde popsán a Phaeocrella je popsána jako nový rod pro jeho anamorfy. Anamorfa, kterou vytvořila Calosphaeria pulchella v kultuře je nově popsána jako Calosphaeriophora. Jsou rovněž popsány dvě nové čeledi: Pleurostomataceae pro Pleurostoma s Pleurostomophora anamorfou a Togniniaceae pro Togninia s Phaeoacremonium anamorfou.
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Number of the records: 1  

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