Number of the records: 1
First observations of the nucleoplasmic lipid islets: "black holes" in the cell nucleus?
- 1.0427569 - ÚMG 2015 CZ eng A - Abstract
Sobol, Margaryta - Filimonenko, Anatolij - Filimonenko, Vlada - Hozák, Pavel
First observations of the nucleoplasmic lipid islets: "black holes" in the cell nucleus?
Mikroskopie 2013. Praha: ČSMS, 2013.
[Mikroskopie 2013. 13.05.2013-14.05.2013, Lednice]
R&D Projects: GA ČR GAP305/11/2232; GA TA ČR TE01020118; GA MPO FR-TI3/588; GA MŠMT LD12063; GA MŠMT LH12143
Institutional support: RVO:68378050
Keywords : cell nucleus * chromatin * PIP2 * 3D electron tomography * super-resolution microscopy
Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology
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Number of the records: 1