Number of the records: 1
Neobiota. Biological invasions: Towards a Synthesis
- 1.0330780 - BÚ 2010 DE eng G - Proceedings (international conference)
Pyšek, Petr (ed.) - Pergl, Jan (ed.)
Neobiota. Biological invasions: Towards a Synthesis.
-: Institute of Ecology of the TU Berlin, 2009. 225 s. ISSN 1619-0033.
[European Conference on Biological Invasions /5./. Prague (CZ), 23.09.2008-26.09.2008]
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z60050516
Keywords : biological invasions * ecology * management
Subject RIV: EF - Botanics
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Number of the records: 1