Number of the records: 1
Measurements of multijet event isotropies using optimal transport with the ATLAS detector
- 1.0583337 - FZÚ 2024 RIV DE eng J - Journal Article
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D.C. - Chudoba, Jiří - Federičová, Pavla - Hejbal, Jiří - Jačka, Petr - Kepka, Oldřich - Kroll, Jiří - Kupčo, Alexander - Latoňová, Věra - Lokajíček, Miloš - Lysák, Roman - Marčišovský, Michal - Mikeštíková, Marcela - Němeček, Stanislav - Šícho, Petr - Staroba, Pavel - Svatoš, Michal - Taševský, Marek … Total 2903 authors
Measurements of multijet event isotropies using optimal transport with the ATLAS detector.
Journal of High Energy Physics. Roč. 2023, č. 10 (2023), č. článku 060. ISSN 1029-8479. E-ISSN 1029-8479
Research Infrastructure: CERN-CZ III - 90240
Institutional support: RVO:68378271
Keywords : scale: TeV * final state: hadronic * jet: multiple production * p p: scattering
OECD category: Particles and field physics
Impact factor: 5, year: 2023 ; AIS: 0.998, rok: 2023
Method of publishing: Open access
A measurement of novel event shapes quantifying the isotropy of collider events is performed in 140 fb−1 of proton-proton collisions with √s = 13 TeV centre-of-mass energy recorded with the ATLAS detector at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider. These event shapes are defined as the Wasserstein distance between collider events and isotropic reference geometries. This distance is evaluated by solving optimal transport problems, using the ‘Energy-Mover’s Distance’. Isotropic references with cylindrical and circular symmetries are studied, to probe the symmetries of interest at hadron colliders. The novel event-shape observables defined in this way are infrared- and collinear-safe, have improved dynamic range and have greater sensitivity to isotropic radiation patterns than other event shapes.
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Number of the records: 1