Number of the records: 1
Different Adaptive Potential of Norway Spruce Ecotypes in Response to Climate Change in Czech Long-Term Lowland Experiment
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SYSNO 0576948 Title Different Adaptive Potential of Norway Spruce Ecotypes in Response to Climate Change in Czech Long-Term Lowland Experiment Author(s) Šimůnek, V. (CZ)
Stejskal, J. (CZ)
Čepl, J. (CZ)
Korecký, J. (CZ)
Vacek, Z. (CZ)
Vacek, S. (CZ)
Bílek, L. (CZ)
Švanda, Michal (ASU-R) RID, ORCIDSource Title Forests. Roč. 14, č. 9 (2023). - : MDPI Article number 1922 Document Type Článek v odborném periodiku Institutional support ASU-R - RVO:67985815 Language eng Country CH Keywords Picea abies [L.] Karst * drought * tree-ring growth * genetic variability URL Permanent Link File Download Size Commentary Version Access 576948.pdf 1 3.5 MB Publisher’s postprint open-access
Number of the records: 1