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Proven technology of Laser Shock Peening (LSP) process for the cavitation erosion resistance improvement of advanced additively manufactured surfaces

  1. 1.
    0567579 - FZÚ 2023 RIV CZ eng Z - Pilot plant, v. technol., variety, breed
    Zulic, Sanin - Brajer, Jan - Kaufman, Jan - Böhm, Marek
    Proven technology of Laser Shock Peening (LSP) process for the cavitation erosion resistance improvement of advanced additively manufactured surfaces.
    Internal code: 20/HiLASE 2022 ; 2022
    Technical parameters: Aplikace technologie Laser shock peening na materiál vystavený kavitační erozi může výrazně prodloužit životnost zpracované součásti. Bylo experimentálně změřeno, že napětí mají vliv na kavitaci.
    Economic parameters: Výsledky budou využity pro další projekty a aplikace zaměřené na zvýšení kavitační odolnosti 3D tištěných součástí. Tyto aplikace by měly generovat komerční příjem v závislosti na počtu aplikací.
    R&D Projects: GA TA ČR TN01000038
    Institutional support: RVO:68378271
    Keywords : Laser Shock Peening * cavitation erosion * high-presure plasma * shock waves
    OECD category: Optics (including laser optics and quantum optics)

    The aim is to develop the Laser Shock Peening process which when applied can improve the resistance to cavitation erosion in pumps. The principle of the LSP technology, The high-energy laser after passing the confining medium is forms a high-pressure plasma. By this principle, shock waves are generated, and they are plastically deforming the material and inducing deep compressed residual stresses. In such a principle, certain mechanical properties of the material are changed, and typical improvements are prolonged fatigue life, prevention of corrosion stress cracking, or wear resistance improvement. Cavitation erosion is a fatigue-driven phenomenon, and by applying the LSP the cavitation erosion can be reduced and slowed down. The LSP will be applied to the blades which in the end form the pump impeller. The blades are made of stainless steel 304L that have been produced by Additive Manufacturing (3D printing) Technology with additional advanced surfaces.
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Number of the records: 1  

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