Number of the records: 1
Analysis of plastid and mitochondrial DNA insertions in the nucleus (NUPTs and NUMTs) of six plant species: size, relative age and chromosomal localization
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SYSNO ASEP 0440145 Document Type J - Journal Article R&D Document Type Journal Article Subsidiary J Článek ve WOS Title Analysis of plastid and mitochondrial DNA insertions in the nucleus (NUPTs and NUMTs) of six plant species: size, relative age and chromosomal localization Author(s) Michalovová, M. (CZ)
Vyskot, Boris (BFU-R) RID, ORCID
Kejnovský, Eduard (BFU-R) RID, ORCIDNumber of authors 3 Source Title Heredity - ISSN 0018-067X
Roč. 11, č. 4 (2013), s. 314-320Number of pages 7 s. Publication form Print - P Language eng - English Country GB - United Kingdom Keywords promiscuous DNA ; NUPT ; NUMT Subject RIV BO - Biophysics R&D Projects GAP305/10/0930 GA ČR - Czech Science Foundation (CSF) GAP501/10/0102 GA ČR - Czech Science Foundation (CSF) GAP501/12/2220 GA ČR - Czech Science Foundation (CSF) GBP501/12/G090 GA ČR - Czech Science Foundation (CSF) Institutional support BFU-R - RVO:68081707 UT WOS 000324580600006 DOI Annotation We analysed the size, relative age and chromosomal localization of nuclear sequences of plastid and mitochondrial origin (NUPTs-nuclear plastid DNA and NUMTs-nuclear mitochondrial DNA) in six completely sequenced plant species. We found that the largest insertions showed lower divergence from organelle DNA than shorter insertions in all species, indicating their recent origin. The largest NUPT and NUMT insertions were localized in the vicinity of the centromeres in the small genomes of Arabidopsis and rice. They were also present in other chromosomal regions in the large genomes of soybean and maize. Localization of NUPTs and NUMTs correlated positively with distribution of transposable elements (TEs) in Arabidopsis and sorghum, negatively in grapevine and soybean, and did not correlate in rice or maize. We propose a model where new plastid and mitochondrial DNA sequences are inserted close to centromeres and are later fragmented by TE insertions and reshuffled away from the centromere or removed by ectopic recombination Workplace Institute of Biophysics Contact Jana Poláková,, Tel.: 541 517 244 Year of Publishing 2015
Number of the records: 1