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3D numerical model of the spherical particle saltation in a channel with a rough fixed bed
- 1.0330616 - ÚH 2010 RIV SK eng J - Journal Article
Lukerchenko, Nikolay - Piatsevich, Siarhei - Chára, Zdeněk - Vlasák, Pavel
3D numerical model of the spherical particle saltation in a channel with a rough fixed bed.
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics. Roč. 57, č. 2 (2009), s. 100-112. ISSN 0042-790X. E-ISSN 1338-4333
R&D Projects: GA ČR GA103/06/1487
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20600510
Keywords : 3D Saltation Model * Bed-Load Transport * Particle-Bed Collision * Particle Rotation * Particle Lateral Dispersion
Subject RIV: BK - Fluid Dynamics
Impact factor: 1.000, year: 2009
The paper describes a 3D numerical model of the spherical particle saltation. The particle free motion in water and the particle-bed collision were distinguished. The particle motion consists of the translational and rotational particle motion. A stochastic method of calculation of the particle-bed collision was developed. The collision height and the contact point were defined as random variables. Impulse equations were used and the translational and angular velocity components of the moving particle immediately after the collision were expressed as functions of the velocity components just before the collision. The dimensionless coefficients of the drag force and drag torque were determined as functions of both translational and rotational Reynolds numbers. The model is in good agreement with known experimental data. Examples of calculation of the particles’ lateral dispersion and the mean absolute values of the deviation angle of the particle trajectory are presented.
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Number of the records: 1