Number of the records: 1
Before 1989
- 1.
SYSNO 0309650 Title Before 1989 Title Před rokem 1989 Author(s) Štrbáňová, Soňa (USD-C) Source Title Global and the Local. The History of Science and the Cultural Integration of Europe. S. 95-95. - Kraków : Wyd. Polskiej Akademii Umijetnosci, 2007 / Kokowski M. Conference International Conference of the European Society for History of Science /2./, Kraków, 06.09.2006-09.09.2006 Document Type Konferenční příspěvek (zahraniční konf.) CEZ AV0Z80630520 - USD-C (2005-2011) Language eng Country PL Keywords history of science - history of technology - post-communist countries URL Permanent Link
Number of the records: 1