Number of the records: 1
Diffusion properties of extracellular space in the rat subcortical white mater during global ischemia
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SYSNO 0172556 Title Diffusion properties of extracellular space in the rat subcortical white mater during global ischemia Author(s) Kauder, C. (DE)
Lehmenkühler, A. (DE)
Syková, Eva (UEM-P) RID
Nicholson, C. (US)Source Title Meeting Deutsche Physiologische Geselschaft. s. 35R. - Heidlberg : Springer International, 1994 Conference Meeting Deutsche Physiologische Geselschaft, Jena, 02.03.1994-05.03.1994 Document Type Konferenční příspěvek (zahraniční konf.) Language eng Country DE Permanent Link
Number of the records: 1