Number of the records: 1
Crossroads of Cultures: Central Europe
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SYSNO 0159025 Title Mitteleuropa und Tschechoslowakei: Suche nach einem literaturwissenschaftlichen Kompromiss Title Central Europe and Czechoslovakia: Search for a Compromise in Literary Criticism Author(s) Pospíšil, Ivo (SLU-S) Source Title Crossroads of Cultures: Central Europe. s. 143-155 / Pospíšil I.. - Brno : Masarykova univerzita, 2002 ISBN 80-210-2812-2 Edition Litteraria Humanitas. Document Type Část monografie, knihy (kapitola) CEZ AV0Z9092920 - SLU-S Language ger Country CZ Keywords immanent methods * structuralism * receptional aesthetics Permanent Link
Number of the records: 1