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Investigation and Control of an Induction Motor Drive under Inverter Fault Conditions

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    SYSNO ASEP0103195
    Document TypeC - Proceedings Paper (int. conf.)
    R&D Document TypeConference Paper
    TitleInvestigation and Control of an Induction Motor Drive under Inverter Fault Conditions
    TitleVýzkum a řízení pohonu s asynchronním motorem při poruše invertoru
    Author(s) Klíma, J. (CZ)
    Schreier, Luděk (UE-C)
    Source TitlePreprints of the 3rd IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems. - Sydney : The University of Newcastle Australia, 2004
    Pagess. 511-516
    Number of pages6 s.
    ActionSymposium IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) on Mechatronic Systems /3./
    Event date06.09.2004-08.09.2004
    VEvent locationSydney
    CountryAU - Australia
    Event typeWRD
    Languageeng - English
    CountryAU - Australia
    Keywordselectrical behaviour ; frequency control ; mathematical models
    Subject RIVJA - Electronics ; Optoelectronics, Electrical Engineering
    R&D ProjectsGA102/04/0215 GA ČR - Czech Science Foundation (CSF)
    AnnotationImproved reliability and fault tolerant operations of converter system are extremely important for industrial ac drives. In this paper an induction motor drive with fault tolerance capability is investigatedand controlled through an analytical model. After the fauled leg in the six-step voltage source inverter operation has been detected, the motor is driven by the converter reconfiguration known as the four-switch inverter, but with reduced performances
    WorkplaceInstitute of Electrical Engineering (until 2005)
    Year of Publishing2005

Number of the records: 1  

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