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Poly[(ethylenedioxy)thiophene] conductive films

  1. 1.
    0101366 - UMCH-V 20043086 RIV FR eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Biler, M. - Vrbová, H. - Nešpůrek, Stanislav - Glezos, N.
    Poly[(ethylenedioxy)thiophene] conductive films.
    [Vodivé filmy poly[(ethylenedioxy)thiophenu].]
    Congress Proceedings. Paris: International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2004,
    [IUPAC International Symposium on Macromolecules, World Polymer Congress MACRO /40./. Paris (FR), 04.07.2004-09.07.2004]
    R&D Projects: GA MŠMT ME 700
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z4050913
    Keywords : Poly[(ethylenedioxy)thiophene] * conductive polymer
    Subject RIV: BG - Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Colliders

    New route of oxidative polymerization of 3,4-(ethylenedioxy)-thiophene and methylmethacrylate in the presence of iron(III) tosylate as oxidant and mixture of N-methylpyrrolidone, ethylalcohol, isopropylalcohol and butylalcohol as solvent is presented. The films form two types of layers; the first deposited, insoluble layer, shows electrical conductivity about 40 S cm-1, the top, soluble layer, about 270 S cm-1. Tunneling is the most probable mechanism of charge carrier movement.

    Nový způsob oxidativní polymerace 3,4-(ethylenedioxy)-thiophenu a methyl-methakrylátu za přítomnosti tosylátu železitého jako oxidantu a směsi N-methylpyrrolidonu, ethylalkoholu, isopropylalkoholu a butylalkoholu jako rozpouštědla. Filmy vytvářejí dva typy vrstev, první se depozitována nerozpustná vrstva s elektrickou vodivostí ca. 40 S/cm na -1. Nejpravděpodobnějším mechanismem pohybu nosičů náboje je tunelování.
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Number of the records: 1  

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