Number of the records: 1
Triveṇī. Texts of three literary traditions in early modern languages of North India. A reader
- 1.0577988 - OÚ 2024 RIV JP eng, hin M - Monography Chapter
Strnad, Jaroslav
Kabīr´s pads.
Triveṇī. Texts of three literary traditions in early modern languages of North India. A reader. Kyoto: Kotoba Books, 2023 - (Nagasaki, H.; Strnad, J.; Turek, A.), s. 61-127. ISBN 978-4-911171-00-4
Institutional support: RVO:68378009
Keywords : old Hindi * Indian literature * grammar * reader
OECD category: Specific languages
The chapter “Kabīr´s Pads” includes an introduction dealing with historical context and themes of poems selected for translation and grammatical analysis, and is followed by grammatical description of the dialect supplemented by multiple textual examples and their literal translations. Final part of the chapter includes a selection of 15 poems with their parallel translations in English (arranged on the left and right page respectively.
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Number of the records: 1