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Visages of Geodiversity and Geoheritage
- 1.0577603 - ÚGN 2024 RIV GB eng M - Monography Chapter
Kubalíková, Lucie - Balková, M. - Zapletalová, D.
Where geodiversity meets biodiversity and culture: a case study from the abandoned limestone quarries of Hády (Brno, Czech Republic).
Visages of Geodiversity and Geoheritage. Vol. 350. London: GSL Special Publications, 2023 - (Kubalíková, L.; Coratza, P.; Pál, M.; Zwoliński, Z.; Irapta, P.; van Wyk de Vries, B.), s. 167-179. ISBN 9781786205780
Institutional support: RVO:68145535
Keywords : quarry * geosystem services * mind map
OECD category: Environmental sciences (social aspects to be 5.7)
Geodiversity represents the basis of landscapes and it has close connections to biodiversity and culture. This complexity is visible in different types of areas and should be taken into account when planning and managing natural resources, considering legal protection and developing sustainable forms of tourism and environmental education activities. Abandoned quarries represent a good example of a specific ecosystem where the relationships between geodiversity, biodiversity and culture are very tight and clearly visible. The Hády quarries (Brno, Czech Republic) is such a case and has significant potential regarding the development of geotourist and geoeducational activities. To recognize and evaluate the mutual links between abiotic, biotic and cultural issues, the ecosystem services concept was applied here and, together with a mind map, it served as a basis for the design of a geotourist map. However, merging these two approaches can be used for other purposes. It may be considered a starting point for designing integrated promotion, conservation and management of natural and cultural heritage. These two tools also enable involving local stakeholders and communities and may be applied in other areas where geodiversity, biodiversity and culture are closely interconnected.
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