Number of the records: 1
Thermal degradation study of Westerly granite by ultrasonic sounding and mercury porosimetry
- 1.0576926 - GLÚ 2024 RIV AT eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Lokajíček, Tomáš - Petružálek, Matěj - Aminzadeh, Ali - Řimnáčová, Daniela - Přikryl, R.
Thermal degradation study of Westerly granite by ultrasonic sounding and mercury porosimetry.
Proceedings of the ISRM 15th International Congress on Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering & 72nd Geomechanics Colloquium – Challenges in Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. Salzburg: Austrian Society for Geomechanics, 2023 - (Schubert, W.; Kluckner, A.), s. 2607-2612. ISBN 978-3-9503898-3-8.
[International ISRM Congress 2023 /15./. Salzburg (AT), 09.10.2023-14.10.2023]
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA21-26542S
Institutional support: RVO:67985831 ; RVO:67985891
Keywords : Granite * Thermal degradation * Porosity * Ultrasonic sounds
OECD category: Environmental and geological engineering, geotechnics; Environmental and geological engineering, geotechnics (USMH-B)
Westerly granite (WG) is a well-known rock, believed to be isotropic. We studied WG samples heated between 100°C and 800°C, by ultrasonic sounding (US), mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP). Thermal treatment studies are important for localities like nuclear waste storages, geothermal projects, rocks and earthquake mechanics. All measurements were done at room temperature. It was found that P and S US wave velocity, amplitude, frequency and elastic modulus decreased more than 60% as a result of thermal rock material disintegration due to the increased temperature treatment. Image analyses showed that there is also a preferred orientation of microcracks regardless of their size and thermal treatment level. MIP showed that the pore size distributions vary with different heating temperatures in depending on the thermal WG treatment.
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Number of the records: 1