Number of the records: 1
Caring for soil is caring for life. Ensure 75% of soils are healthy by 2030 for healthy food, people, nature and climate
- 1.0546930 - SOÚ 2022 CZ eng O - Others
Tenglerová, Hana - Huck, Averil - Linková, Marcela
Caring for soil is caring for life. Ensure 75% of soils are healthy by 2030 for healthy food, people, nature and climate.
EU Projects: European Commission(XE) 741466 - GENDERACTION
Institutional support: RVO:68378025
Keywords : Gender dimension in research * Healthy Soil * Horizon Europe
OECD category: Sociology
Result website:
The document introduces what gender dimension means and why is it important for our soil´s health. It brings examples of how sex and gender interact in relation to agriculture and soil health research and innovation and brings recommendations on how to integrate gender aspects in the implementation of a Mission focused on healthy soil.
Permanent Link:
Number of the records: 1