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A Logical Framework for Graded Predicates

  1. 1.
    0477854 - ÚI 2018 RIV DE eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Cintula, Petr - Noguera, Carles - Smith, N.J.J.
    A Logical Framework for Graded Predicates.
    Logic, Rationality, and Interaction. Berlin: Springer, 2017 - (Baltag, A.; Yamada, T.; Seligman, J.), s. 3-16. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10455. ISBN 978-3-662-55664-1. ISSN 0302-9743.
    [LORI 2017. International Workshop on Logic, Rationality, and Interaction /6./. Sapporo (JP), 11.09.2017-14.09.2017]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA17-04630S
    EU Projects: European Commission(XE) 689176 - SYSMICS
    Institutional support: RVO:67985807 ; RVO:67985556
    Keywords : graded predicates * vagueness * mathematical fuzzy logic
    OECD category: Computer sciences, information science, bioinformathics (hardware development to be 2.2, social aspect to be 5.8); Pure mathematics (UTIA-B)

    In this position paper we present a logical framework for modelling reasoning with graded predicates. We distinguish several types of graded predicates and discuss their ubiquity in rational interaction and the logical challenges they pose. We present mathematical fuzzy logic as a set of logical tools that can be used to model reasoning with graded predicates, and discuss a philosophical account of vagueness that makes use of these tools. This approach is then generalized to other kinds of graded predicates. Finally, we propose a general research program towards a logic-based account of reasoning with graded predicates.
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Number of the records: 1  

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