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Yanjing luntan 2014

  1. 1.
    0476267 - OÚ 2018 RIV CN chi M - Monography Chapter
    Třísková, Hana
    Putonghua yuyin jiaoxue tanjiu.
    [A Journey through the teaching of the sounds of Standard Chinese.]
    Yanjing luntan 2014. Beijing: Social sciences academic press, 2017 - (Song, S.), s. 1-402. ISBN 978-7-5201-0005-2
    Institutional support: RVO:68378009
    Keywords : standard Chinese * Mandarin * phonetics and phonology * teaching pronunciation * learning pronunciation
    OECD category: Specific languages

    Chainese abstract: 汉语是声调语言 (tone language), 所以汉语发音非常难学。外国学生学单词的词汇声调遇到不少问题。此外,声调在语流中发现彻底改变,因为声调和重音、语调、语言风格 (style of speech) 、语速 (speech tempo) 等要素相互作用,关系非常复杂。本文张分析汉语发音教学的难点、包括声母 (initials)、韵母 (finals)、声调 (tones)、重音 (stress) ,轻音 (non-stress)、音渡 (junctures) 、语调 (sentence intonation)。最后介绍音块 (phonetic chunks) 的概念。

    Chinese is a tone language. Its pronunciation is very difficult to acquire. The author explores specific problems related to teaching / learning Chinese pronunciation. The following topics are addressed: Hanyu Pinyin latinization, Chinese syllable structure, pronunciation of difficult initials, the finals and their classification, pronunciation of difficult finals, four tones (the third tone in particular), rhythm of connected speech, stress and non-stress, relationship between tone and stress, junctures and their role in speech perception, the important role of unstressed Chinese function words and their features, sentence intonation. Finally the concept of “phonetic chunks” is introduced.
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