Number of the records: 1
Dielectric barrier discharge hydride atomizer for AAS: a toy or a valuable tool?
- 1.0447187 - ÚIACH 2016 PT eng A - Abstract
Kratzer, Jan - Duben, Ondřej - Novák, Petr - Zurynková, Pavla - Svoboda, Milan - Červený, V. - Dědina, Jiří
Dielectric barrier discharge hydride atomizer for AAS: a toy or a valuable tool?
CSI 2015. Book of abstracts. 2015. s. 74-74.
[Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale /39./. 30.08.2015-03.09.2015, Figueira da Foz]
R&D Projects: GA ČR GA14-23532S
Grant - others:GA AV ČR(CZ) M200311202
Institutional support: RVO:68081715
Keywords : dielectric barrier discharge * hydride atomization * analytical figures of merit
Subject RIV: CB - Analytical Chemistry, Separation
Atomization of selected hydride forming elements (As, Se, Sb and Bi) in a dielectric barrier discharge atomizer (DBD) was optimized using AAS as a detector. Analytical figures of merit reached in a DBD atomizer were compared to those in a conventional externally heated quartz tube atomizer.
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Number of the records: 1