Number of the records: 1
Selected Topics in Nonlinear Dynamics and Theoretical Electrical Engineering
- 1.0386185 - ÚT 2013 RIV DE eng M - Monography Chapter
Kotlan, V. - Karban, P. - Ulrych, B. - Doležel, Ivo - Kůs, Pavel
Hard-Coupled Modeling of Induction Shrink Fit of Gas-Turbine Active Wheel.
Selected Topics in Nonlinear Dynamics and Theoretical Electrical Engineering. Heidelberg: Springer, 2012 - (Kyamakya, K.; Halang, W.; Mathis, W.; Chedjou, J.; Li, Z.), s. 287-301. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 459. ISBN 978-3-642-34559-3
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GAP102/11/0498; GA ČR GA102/09/1305
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20570509
Keywords : induction shrink fit * finite element methods of higher order of accuracy * coupled problem
Subject RIV: JA - Electronics ; Optoelectronics, Electrical Engineering
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Hard-coupled model of induction heating of a ferromagnetic disk is presented. The problem is described by three coupled partial differential equations (for the distribution of electromagnetic field, temperature field and field of thermoelastic displacements) whose coefficients are temperature-dependent functions. The system is solved numerically in the monolithic formulation by a fully adaptive finite element method of higher order of accuracy implemented into own codes Hermes and Agros. The methodology is illustrated by a typical example—heating of an active wheel of a high-speed gas turbine that is to be hot-pressed on a shaft with the aim of obtaining a shrink fit allowing transferring the given torque at the nominal revolutions. Evaluated and discussed are also the parameters of the heating process in transverse and longitudinal magnetic fields.
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