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Molecular Xharacterization of Binding of Calcium and Carbohydrates by an Early Activation Antigen of Lymphocytes CD69

  1. 1.
    0170745 - UEK-B 20033052 RIV US eng J - Journal Article
    Pavlíček, J. - Sopko, B. - Ettrich, Rüdiger - Kopecký, J. - Baumruk, V. - Man, P. - Havlíček, V. - Vrbacký, M. - Martínková, L. - Křen, V. - Pospíšil, M. - Bezouška, K.
    Molecular Xharacterization of Binding of Calcium and Carbohydrates by an Early Activation Antigen of Lymphocytes CD69.
    Biochemistry. Roč. 42, č. 42 (2003), s. 9295-9306. ISSN 0006-2960. E-ISSN 1520-4995
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA524/00/1275; GA ČR GA203/01/1018; GA AV ČR IAA7020006; GA AV ČR BMH4-CT97-2671
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:MSM 113100001; CEZ:MSM 113200002; CEZ:AV0Z5020903
    Keywords : Lymphocytes * antigen * structure
    Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology
    Impact factor: 3.922, year: 2003

    CD69 is the earliest leukocyte activation antigen playing a pivotal role in cellular signaling. Here, we show that a globular C-terminal domain of CD69 belonging to C-type lectins binds calcium through Asp 171, Glu 185, and Glu 187 with Kd = 54 uM.
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