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Different elution modes and field programming in gravitational field-flow fractionation. 2. Experimental verification of the range of conditions for flow-rate and carrier liquid density programming

  1. 1.
    0162182 - UIACH-O 200009 RIV NL eng J - Journal Article
    Plocková, Jana - Chmelík, Josef
    Different elution modes and field programming in gravitational field-flow fractionation. 2. Experimental verification of the range of conditions for flow-rate and carrier liquid density programming.
    Journal of Chromatography A. Roč. 868, č. 2 (2000), s. 217-227. ISSN 0021-9673. E-ISSN 1873-3778
    R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA4031805
    Subject RIV: CB - Analytical Chemistry, Separation
    Impact factor: 2.551, year: 2000

    Regarding the force field programming in gravitational field-flow fractionation, this work is focused on two topics: changes of difference between particle density and carrier liquid density in Brownian and focusing elution modes and influencing lift forces achieved by changing the flow-rate in focusing elution mode. We have found and described the experimental conditions applicable to force field programming in the case of separations of silica gel particles by gravitational field-flow fractionation. It was shown that the effect of carrier liquid viscosity in the system water-methanol is implemented as an additional factor enhancing the desired effect of carrier liquid density.
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